Monday, December 29, 2008

Get Along With You

How is it that we end up loving the unlovable?

What about him/her makes your heart skip a few beats when they say your name even though we know it doesn't hold the depth of love you would like it to? What about you makes you deniable, "forced to roam this planet, sadly, lonely like some used Brigitte?" Nothing. There are some people who don't want to be loved, they become unlovable.

We turn ourselves inside out to figure out if it was something we did wrong, questioning our habits and dissecting every little incident we can think of. When some one we feel so deeply for rejects us it seems to cause an emotional avalanche. Why does this person have so much power over us? We aimlessly ask "was it I loved you poorly" walking away wounded and with our hearts screaming "why not me, try me?"

If he (she) loves you, then you shouldn't have to keep going back to beg them to come back to you. If you're doing all you can to keep them happy, and making sure you're satisfied, then you can't hold on to some one who doesn't want to be held. It's frustrating to feel as though you're loving as hard and as deep as you can but it still goes unnoticed and unappreciated; but luckily there is an option: speak your piece or leave.

Sometimes we psych ourselves into thinking that we're the problem no matter what, if that's the case, then we have to be able to see the constants in our relationships if each time you get into a relationship it starts through a friend, or if you meet a bar and each time it ends badly. You may want to think about finding some one in a different location. If you're a "jump head first" kinda person you should focus on calming down and taking your time with the new love interest. Just a few suggestions!

But remember, people treat you the way you teach them to treat you. So if you're trying to get along, so will they!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


The other day I was talking to a good friend of mine, as she told me about a rather unique moment that took place in her love life. She and her new boyfriend whom she had been seeing off and on for the last few years broke up through a text message!

Yep! I said it, a text message!

Now I am fully aware that this is the digital age and that people are finding new and more evasive ways to end relationships, and choosing not to have the courage to sit down face to face and discuss the details of their relationship. But seriously this takes the cake. It reminds me of an episode of Sex and the City, where "Burger" one of Carries boyfriends broke up with her through a post it note. She was appalled, as she should have been.

How is it that we can say that we are so dedicated to some one, we can love them so deeply and spend such enormous chunks of time with them, and still not have enough respect to end the relationship with decency and respect?

In getting ourselves into relationships we enter into an unspoken contract so to speak. We put ourselves in a position to where we are some what responsible for the other person's emotions. I don't mean that we should sacrifice our own well being and emotional stability for our partner but that we should be mindful of what and how we say things. Delivery is the key. To text some one that we supposedly care about that we no longer share the same feelings is basically a slap in the face, on both cheeks!

In some circumstances a break up over the phone is the only way to go i.e. long distance; but that's the only excuse for this kind of end to a relationship. Have enough respect to at least allow the person to see the sincerity in your voice and be able to see your face. Often times we seek closure through these avenues.

Leaving a post-it, sending an e-mail or text message is the wrong way to go about this totally. It's unfathomable to think that people actually think this is OK, seriously, where are they doing this at??

Texting a break-up is like leaving money on the night stand, it cheapens whatever it is you and your partner shared and if you love each other or care about each other even a little bit don't pimp out your feelings.