We've all heard of what Limbo is...for those who haven't, Limbo is the place where the soul was said to go when after death. If the family paid enough money and prayed hard, you're soul would go to heaven. But; while waiting on family to pay admittance into the pearly gates, you waited in Limbo, the weigh station between heaven and hell! Now with that lengthy explanation out of the way: What do you do when your relationship goes into "Love Limbo"?
After a certain amount of time being spent learning and loving each other we come to a point of complacency. Where we're either so comfortable or so miserable that we are unable to move forward. How do we get to this point, but more importantly how do we get out of this zombie like state? Is it a bad thing to be so comfortable with some one? How do you know when you're in Love Limbo?
Since when did complacency become the norm in relationships? In most cases people are un-happy but unable to cut loose for one reason: security! Even though the thought of loving for security is enough to make you sick, it is a reality. People are scared to death of the unknown, like being single is a fatal abyss that we never recover from. But wouldn't we rather be unattached and happy than be a couple and despondent? When do we make up our minds to love half-heatedly?
Love can be both heaven and hell in the same instance. But how do you know when it's time to step up or step out? Security is an important thing; we unconsciously enter relationships for that feeling alone. Secretly praying for that person to love us enough to allow us to be ourselves and protect us from all that could potentially bring us down. The feeling that we are chasing is nothing short of a miracle. Having a person hold you and you feel safe, kiss you and be intoxicated is a heavenly high that we are eternally in search of.
Limbo can be one of the hardest places to pull a relationship out of. If for nothing else the thought alone will be a full time task. Yet; like the good Dr. Phil says "every relationship needs a hero, are you willing to be that?" Both people in the relationship have to want to save it bad enough to put aside whatever the problem is then figure out what their next move should be. Living in mediocrity should never be an option in love, as some one close to me once said: we should never allow ourselves to settle for what we can get, rather than what we want or deserve.
Pay your way out of purgatory people and decide whether or not to ascend or descend, but for the record hell isn't the place for me, or any where else without some A/C!! ;)
What about Buddy Girl?
5 years ago