Just when you think you've found some one who makes you smile, some one who puts the joy in your heart and the laughter in your spirit something will go wrong to test that love...its the envitable.
Today's relationships are all about a fast fix, we are accustomed to the "drive-thru" life style...but to our dismay love and life are not like Burger King you can't have everything your way. If even for a minute things go sour, our flight or fight instincts kick in and we're ready to kick out.
What kind of love would make you stay in a situation that seems doomed...I guess I'm asking...WHAT IS LOVE?
How do we know love when we see or feel it? And how come when its knocking down our door we ignore it and crank up the volume on life?
If we are marrying for love then how come when we have it in our hands we're STILL not satisfied? How come when we do actually posess the one thing that is sought out universaly, we aren't holding on to it for dear life?
Why is it that we don't know love until it walks out of our lives? What does it take for us to see what has been right in front of our faces? And when we have a tight clutch on love we're still asking for more? When things seem to be perfect we find a way to complain, becuase too much is never enough. Love takes so much energy, so much work, and way more paitence than we are willing to give. Yet; we expect nothing short of a miracle from our partners.
I think that the kind of love that we are all secretly hoping for is a true fairytale. Secretly we are looking for some one to sweep us off our feet, a lover, a confidant, a spiritual vortex, a mirror...a soul mate! Sadly that will never happen if our first thought is to flee. How do you think our grandparents have been married for 40 and 50 years? They stuck it out and instead of simply just saying to hell with one another, they decided to wait out the storm for a sunny day.
I know there is really no way to define what love really is, on a count of the fact that we all think of love in very different ways. But one thing that I know for sure is that love should be gripping, warm, affectionate, bold, and quiet, promising, patient, understanding, thoughtful, appreciative...and most importantly; true love is unconditional!!!
Love, is too many things to only be defined with a simple noun or verb. Let's just leave it as this, Love is......(fill in the blank)
What about Buddy Girl?
5 years ago
I love this!!
Love/0 is undefined..its the truth..and the truth about the truth..is that it is the truth to an extent...as far as you think...not as you know...message!!!!
Great topic..Like shawty lo and do the cheddar chaser and get get get it.....
The definition of love is left to that of the person....What love is for me and my husband is not the same as the next couple. LOVE is what U make it and it will never work if you compare your love and relationship to that of another cause we are all different people and love in different ways!!!!!!
This is a really good entry, Keya. You make a lot of good points.
Love is smelling his clothes when he is away. Love is thinking about him every waking moment.
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