I know its been a while since I've written to you, but I guess I've been sorting through a lot of feelings and thoughts.
I'm curious as to what you REALLY think about love? Is it really worth all the trouble?
Love makes me feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. Half the time I don't know whether I'm coming or going, and feeling foolish all the while.
Am I silly for loving this hard, this deep? I wonder if we are putting ourselves through all this for nothing. If love is real then where is the payoff, and when do I get mine?
"Everyone falls, you just be careful of falling and staying there..." is that what we do when we fall out of love? Are we in a rut? I understand that love is a mutual thing or should be at least but how come when we give in to love, it feels like we end up loosing? Who is the referee and why hasn't he blown the whistle yet? I call foul, charge or something!!
Have you ever given so much that there's nothing left over for you? People we are being taken for fools in this love game! I'm not saying give up on love but instead wake up and see it for what it is...a ploy to get us to open up, be giving, forgiving and understanding, patient, supportive and even after all that there is no guarantee.
Are we going to be afraid to love the next time love comes knocking at our door, and if it does come back how will you react? Will you do all the things that you've done in this one?
"I'm not scared of lions and tigers and bears...but I'm scared of loving you," is this really what its come to?
Love is a risk that I wish there was insurance for...hmmm how much does it cost to fix a broken heart?
What about Buddy Girl?
5 years ago
You know... I don't think there is a person that hasn't asked themselves the same question. Is it worth it? We all put our hearts and souls into relationships with little to no guarantee that it will last past the "infatuation" stage. It is tough to do, but ask yourself this... why is it so easy to invest in people who mean little or nothing to us, but so hard to invest in those who are actually worth the investment? We are so easily thrown off course when it comes to love. If love doesn't come the way we think it should we have been taught to give up, break up or even divorce. We value our friendships more than our love, though God planned it as just the opposite. We are to love our neighbors(friends) as our brothers, but we are to love our significant other as we love ourselves, as a part of ourselves, one half of a whole. We clearly have this one backwards. So, when I put into perspective God's plan I know that I have to put my man first and hope that ALL of my brothers and sisters will understand why I make that choice. When it's all said and done, I want to say I loved my man with all my might because that is what God intended me to do.Sometimes you may feel tired and broken, but its worth it. What would life be like without love? What would it be without heartache? Love is the most complex and difficult thing we will ever do in this life. Love is also the sweetest simplest joy we will ever experience in life. So, I ask you are you willing to give up the sweet taste of love for a little thing like fear? I'm not!
Never give someone your all bc you won't have anything left for yourself. Beyonce said it best.. "Me, myself, and I is all I got in the end.." Don't allow yourself to fall into the traps of love or should I say lust. Always put in what you want out of realationship. If the they abuse it and it's time for you to refuse it...meaning get rid of them and open your heart to someone who won't use it...
~Lyrical Bee
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