Monday, November 10, 2008

He Thinks I'm Sexy When...?

We wake up in the morning smelly breath, slobber running down the side of our cheeks with ugly sleep grimaces plastered on our faces (or is this just me?) We all know that everyday isn't a good day as far as looks go, but when exactly does who we are turn into the most appealing quality we have?

An article in Glamour magazine, by Genevieve Fields explains when our men think we're the sexiest. The most popular response is of course eye contact and a smile. But women we should have this down pact by now. We know that making a little eye contact is all you need to get his attention from across the room.

Second she says they find us attractive when we use our signature girly body language. Duh! We know what that is, flinging our hair, batting our eyes (but please try not to do this in excess, we don't want him thinking you have a twitch), arching your back toward him, the old "LL Cool J" lip-lick and smelling like heaven helps too.

Next, is something that a lot of women may be surprised to find out...real men, like real women. Women with curves, hips and a healthy appetite. So eat up ladies, quit ordering the salad when you go out to eat and get some meat on your plate (well except if your a vegan...Boca meat also works). Either way it goes just eat for goodness sake!

This one shouldn't be a surprise at all, it's hormonal. Man can sense when we are ovulating, our skin sends our pheromones that tell seem to drive them crazy. In case you don't know, we ovulate two weeks prior to our cycles.

And lastly, its a given, he finds you the sexiest when you're the one woman that he loves.


Me said...

As I guy, I can honestly say that MOST of us find women most attractive in their natural state. Now don't get me wrong, I love to see a little skin On a girl goin out on a saturday night! a short lil dress or some shorts and sum heels...that stuff makes us guys act straight primitive!!
For me, a girl looks sexiest when she's just chillin, looking natural and wearing nothing but one of my shirts. I don't know what it is about a girl engulfed in a huge button down or t-shirt. It just makes them look so innocent, but naughty at the same time. Plus the fact that there is nothing on underneath there is a big factor too! We as dudes really think girls are sexy when they are gettin dressed to go out. Just sit and watch your girl get ready from top to bottom gettin all jazzed up makes you want to just rip it all off again! Little flirty things definitely do work too. Licking lips, tossing hair, putting lotion on bodyparts. Girls know what they're doin...And we don't mind them doin it!

Anonymous said...

Well said hun. And women, have you ever noticed that your man or men find you most attractive when you look your worst???? Its crazy how they perceive us


Anonymous said...

I agree with Britaine'. It seems like every picture my man loves is the one I hate the most!

"Me" is on point with his words...